Subterranean Termites: Order: Isoptera

Within a termite nest there are members of different castes, each with a different role to perform and all interdependent upon each other for survival of the colony. These include the queen, king, the winged reproductive (young kings and queens), soldier and worker termites.


Description: The king and queen live in a central chamber and are tended by the workers.


Description: The soldiers have an orange coloured rectangular armoured head with mandibulate pinchers which they use to crush the ants. On their forehead is a fontanelle (frontal gland pore) used to emit a sticky latex to ensnare the ants.
The soldier termite is usually the first to be seen in large numbers when any active termite workings (mud shelter tubes or damaged timber) are opened. Soldier termites will rush out to guard the opening whilst worker termites repair the breach.


Description: The queen termite is an egg laying machine; her body is enormous compared to her off-spring; she can live more than 25 years and produce more that 2,000 eggs a day.


Description: The workers are by far the largest caste in the termite colony and the one that does the damage; they are a creamy translucent colour, soft bodied and carry out all work in the nest, including gathering food (timber and other cellulose); constructing tunnels; repairing and enlarging the colony nest; grooming each other and feeding the soldiers, the king, queen and also caring for the young nymphs until mature.


INITIAL INSPECTION & REPORT requires a complete thorough inspection of the buildings and surrounds, and a detailed written report on areas inspected, evidence found of termite activity, high risk termite entry areas inaccessible to inspection and termite control options and limitations thereto.

Pre Construction Treatmen

Description: New construction building needs pre construction treatment to prevent the termite infestation. Pre construction treatment includes floor bed treatment and soil barrier. Floor treatment will be made just prior to the brick-soling stage. Suitable Anti Termite insecticide will be applied at the recommendation rate. Finished insecticide solution will be applied of the floor bed. Soil barrier will be created along outer side of the plinth of the building. A one foot wide and three feet deep trench will be dug around the plinth of the building. The insecticide solution will be applied in such a way that the soil gets evenly mixed with the solution.
Recommended as essential.

Post Construction Treatmen

Description: In the post construction treatment for termite control anti-termite long residual insecticide will be used. Along with the inside of the wall floor joint (drill-holes will be made at one feet intervals) wooden doors, wooden windows, etc. finished insecticide solution will be used. Wades of cloth soaked with anti-termite insecticide will be placed into the electrical conduits to block the movement of termites.
CHEMICAL SOIL TREATMENT around the perimeter and sub-floor of a building to eradicate termites attempting to gain entry into the building through a treated soil area. On the grounds of safety and effectiveness termiticide, are recommended for this purpose.

Termite Colony Elimination Baiting System
Comming Soon

for Your Free Inspection and Termite Control:
call 019 7770 7770

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